Abete re-elected president of the National Amateur League

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Giancarlo Abete has been reelected president of the National Amateur League, obtaining unanimity from the 91voters present at the elective assembly held at the HiltonRome Airport in Fiumicino. For Abete, who was the only candidate,this is the second consecutive term. “We have the need for politics to help us, not for it to invade the field of sports,” his words, “Some attempts that have emerged have been rejected at the sender with losses, there have been situations that have testified to the strength of the clubs. Abete reiterated that “autonomy is an absolute value. We must approach the world of institutions with respect and recognition of the role, but also of our role, which is of free people, interested in giving a solution to problems for the world they represent.” The executive then referred to November 4, the date of the Extraordinary Assembly for the change of the Figc statute, ahead of which he said he approaches that day “with great attention and willingness to keep the pyramid strong. But we have to start from the assumption that the provision of the law photographs what is already happening, namely that in Italy the weight of professionals is greater than in other countries. To think, however, that there is a relationship between the results of the national team and having an extra adviser is to abuse people’s intelligence, it is a red herring.” – photo Ipa Agency -(ITALPRESS).