Fava “INPS will change with generative welfare, AI and silver economy”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Every day more than 5 million citizens come into contact with INPS, which serves more than 52 million users and manages almost all of Italy’s welfare, insuring most self-employed workers and employees in the public and private sectors. In the future, “INPS services will change for the better: we will move more and more toward personalization and ‘generative’ welfare throughout the life cycle of citizens. The idea we are pursuing, also thanks to technology, is to provide services that are increasingly efficient, easy, intuitive, and above all contextualized. INPS must be open, easy and welcoming, the core business is to set up services in a workmanlike manner,” and “this will be the focus of my mandate: we will try to respond to everyone’s needs.” Inps President Gabriele Fava told Tg1 Morning. In 2023 alone, 625 million services were carried out digitally and “INPS is one of the most advanced institutions: we are implementing and improving more and more the introduction of artificial intelligence in our structure for the benefit of citizens. It is an evolved, improvable tool that will make data certain,” and “it will be an accelerator and facilitator of services and skills, because it will be used on repetitive activities. The more it will deal with repetitive activities, the more the resources we have will be enhanced, because they will deal with complex activities, in reasonable and acceptable times.” By 2050, the over-65s will be more than 35 percent of the population. “We are taking action precisely to avert negative projections”: “it will be important the ‘Silver Economy,’ the economy of the over-60-65s, which will generate services for this category of ‘differently young people’ who want to remain still active, but at the same time will create employment and new trades,” Fava added. The Inps has “total awareness” of the issue of denatality and “we are focusing so much on young people: if we want to get to a sustainable pension system, we have to increase the employment base so go on active policies. A pension education campaign will start soon, because young people will be our future contributors. More contributors, more contributions.” The Institute “is working and will serve our 52 million users better and better.” At the moment, the accounts “are absolutely balanced, we closed with a positive balance. This gives us a lot of confidence and spurs us to improve the Institute more and more, including financially,” he concluded.

photo: Photogram Agency