Health Professions Milan “Motortherapy is only complementary activity”

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – A proposal to recognize mototherapy as a complementary therapy was approved last Nov. 20 in the Senate. The practice, conceived by motocross champion Vanni Oddera, involves the involvement of patients in recreational activities with the use of electric motorcycles, which would alleviate the difficulties associated with hospitalization for children or other fragile categories. From the commentary of Minister of Disability Alessandra Locatelli, we learn that such ‘therapy’ would help “guarantee that humanized and more dignified dimension of care and […] the uniqueness of the person starting with his emotions and his right to be happy, even in hospital settings.” Replicates the Order of Medical Radiology Health Technicians and Technical, Rehabilitation and Prevention Health Professions (TSRM and PSTRP) of Milan, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza Brianza and Sondrio. “The ‘mototherapy’, even compared to other ‘complementary therapies’ related to playful activities, for example music therapy, art therapy or clowntherapy, does not have solid scientific foundations to prove its effectiveness, as rightly pointed out by Senator for Life and scientist Elena Cattaneo,” says the Order’s President, Diego Catania. “In general, such activities can be, yes, side by side with official treatments, but they should not be confused with therapeutic and rehabilitative pathways recognized by guidelines and policy documents. Otherwise, false expectations may be created in the patients and their families, who are already in a condition of vulnerability and suffering.” The Order encompasses many Professions in the area of rehabilitation, including Neuro and Psychomotricity Therapists of the Developmental Age, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Technicians, Occupational Therapists, Professional Educators and Speech Therapists, all of whom work to support individuals who are fragile from various points of view, such as age, physical or mental disability or reduced autonomy and psychological vulnerability resulting from serious illnesses. The settings in which these Professionals carry out their activities, such as oncology wards, day care centers or residences for people with disabilities, are precisely the contexts to which the use of ‘mototherapy’ or other complementary activities could be applied. State the Presidents of the relevant Boards of Registry, “The risk is that proposals for therapy that should, instead, be validated by the scientific community may be approved by Parliament. It is necessary to follow the process of evidence-based medicine, which involves comparisons and processes to ensure the effectiveness of the intervention, as well as the involvement of all Health Care Professionals.” “The Health Professions base their activities on solid deontological foundations and precise skills, thanks to specific university courses that include the psychological and relational aspects necessary to ensure full respect for the dignity and uniqueness of the individual,” adds President Catania. “It perplexes me, therefore, that ‘mototherapy’ and other similar practices are elected as a bulwark of the ‘humanized dimension […] of care,’ as if the work of qualified Professionals were not sufficient to guarantee it. Instead, it would be a priority to give more recognition and room for intervention to the human resources already present in our National Health Service, so as to put Professionals in a position to best implement recognized and scientifically proven therapies, for the greater protection of fragile individuals and their families.” (ITALPRESS).

Photo: Press and Communication Office TSRM and PSTRP Order of Milan, Como, Lecco, Lodi, Monza Brianza and Sondrio