ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Happy first of the year to everyone. Today is an important day: the experimentation of the disability reform that introduces the Life Project starts in nine Italian provinces. The change has begun and we will follow it very closely together with the associations, together with the third sector, together with people with disabilities and families. I will also be there to monitor the territories and support this road to change that will then continue throughout our country.” So said Minister for Disabilities Alessandra Locatelli in a video posted on her social channels.Brescia, Catanzaro, Florence, Forlì-Cesena, Frosinone, Perugia, Salerno, Sassari and Trieste are the nine provinces, agreed with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, in which the experimentation of the new system provided for by Legislative Decree No. 62 of 2024, which simplifies the system of civil disability assessment and introduces the “Life Project”, will be launched.- Photo Agenzia Fotogramma – (ITALPRESS)