Maneuver, Sbarra “Government willing to confront for improvements”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “There are many measures that we consider absolutely positive, especially those that incorporate proposals and claims we have been making as CISL for many months. Two-thirds of the maneuver supports employee incomes and pensions, families and the renewal of public contracts. The lights should be enhanced, it is undeniable for example the extension of the tax wedge cut, as well as the merging of two Irpef rates to support low and medium incomes.” This was said by CISL Secretary General Luigi Sbarra on Coffee Break on La7. “There are things that we think need to be improved,” he added: “We do not agree with the structural cut in staffing levels in the world of education. The automotive fund must be restored, because the supply chain is going through very difficult times, we need to refinance the redundancy fund, and minimum pensions must be increased. These are interventions that we have asked of the government and we have received willingness to open discussions with individual ministries, with a view to improving the maneuver, but also going beyond the stability law. “We think that union unity is a great value, but it must be made on content, on choices, on the ability to affect the tables of confrontation with our public and private interlocutors,” Sbarra stressed. “It should not be made only on protest, it is not made on prejudices, on antagonism, we need responsibility, pragmatism, social reformism.

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