ROME (ITALPRESS) – “A few words to express how important this annual, non-ritual appointment is for me. Not only is it an opportunity to greet our military personnel on missions abroad, but it is also an opportunity to express gratitude for what our armed forces do, to remember how important to the Republic is the work and service rendered to the national community and the great contribution to our security, to support civil society in times of necessity and need, and to recall what the armed forces have done over time for our country.” Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of a videoconference to extend good wishes to Italian military personnel engaged in theaters of international operations, at the headquarters of the Inter-Forces Summit Operations Command. “It is also an opportunity to remember with regret and gratitude the fallen in service who are part of the heritage of the memory of the armed forces. But it is also a time,” he added, “to thank the militaries of the missions, which are all equally important, all of great importance, although of course of different caliber in terms of participatory commitment, in terms of the tensions and difficulties that from time to time are recorded. But everywhere is a demonstration of the high professionalism and sense of duty that characterizes our armed forces and the constant contribution that is made to our country,” the head of state concluded.
-Photo: Qurinale-