ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Dialogue is an important element for a family! A family that does not communicate cannot be a happy family.” So said Pope Francis at the Angelus in St. Peter’s Square in Rome. “It is beautiful when a mother does not begin with reproach, but with a question,” stressed the Pontiff, who then added, “Listening is giving importance to the other, recognizing his right to exist and think independently. Children need this. Think well, you parents, listen to the children, they need!” “A privileged time for dialogue and listening in the family is at meals,” he continues. “It is good to be together at the table and talk. This can solve so many problems, and above all it unites the generations: children talking to their parents, grandchildren talking to their grandparents… Never stay closed in on yourself or, even worse, with your head on your cell phone. This is no good-never, never this. Talk, listen to each other, this is the dialogue that is good for you and that makes you grow!””The family is the cell of society, it is a precious treasure to be sustained and protected,” the Holy Father then said, addressing his thoughts “to the many families in South Korea who are in mourning today following the dramatic airplane crash. I join in prayer for the survivors and the dead. And we also pray for the families who are suffering because of wars: in the martyred Ukraine, in Palestine, in Israel, in Myanmar, in Sudan, North Kivu, we pray for all these families at war.”- Photo Agency Photogram -(ITALPRESS).