ROME (ITALPRESS) – “For the League a complicated but ultimately beautiful 2024 of growth, serenity and compactness has closed, with members growing from Veneto to Sicily, with the number of mayors and administrators growing from Lombardy to Lazio.” Thus the deputy prime minister and secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, in a live video broadcast on social media. “Only in Sicily,” he adds, “I made a call just now, we are at more than 400 local administrators, and as the League almost 500 mayors in Italy, more than 200 in Lombardy, more than 100 in Veneto, so good. The League,” Salvini stressed, “is a way of living, of being, of thinking, it is not just a party. Definitely with many opponents, with some enemies, especially in the rooms that matter. We have against almost all the newspapers and televisions, a good part of the unions, some magistrates, and several of those with money, in Italy and in the world, I am thinking of Soros, who would like to wipe the League off the face of the Earth. But let’s go forward in a stubborn and contrary direction, as the good De Andrè sang, with results at the center: jobs, salaries, pensions, schooling and health care the priorities, and then for what concerns me, infrastructure.”- Ipa photo – (ITALPRESS).