ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I read in these days some alarmist and defeatist messages about the situation of NICs in Italy. Calling for thoughtfulness, I would first like to recall that the one carried out by the Ministry of Tourism is a huge reform, truly unprecedented, which has required and continues to require a great deal of collective work. To date, we are processing, every day, more than 2,000 applications for BDSR registration, and the dialogue with the Regions is constant.” Thus Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè, who adds, “We are talking about a very complex and delicate process, which we are trying to manage in the best possible way, and therefore-among other things-also avoiding unnecessary, when not harmful, terrorism on the subject of sanctions: we are aware that there are facilities that have applied and are regularizing themselves. There is also to be said, then, that among the facilities that have not yet taken the CIN there may be some that are on the registry but are not practicing. The percentage of companies still not included in the BDSR is therefore part of a physiological process of settling in to the new regulatory framework defined by the reform. I would say, therefore, that the figure of 20 percent of facilities not yet registered does not seem so worrisome, even considering the fact that the BDSR has been in effect for only four months. A momentous reform, then, which in a short time is already showing its first results.”
-photo Photogram Agency –