The “Moro case” recounted by Gotor to UnitelmaSapienza students

ROME (ITALPRESS) – A traumatic watershed in the history of Italy, the “Moro case” represents one of the most tragic and controversial events of our past. The dramatic 55 days and the end of the DC president are the focus of the third meeting of the seminar series “The Night of the Republic” at UnitelmaSapienza University, moderated by Roberto Sciarrone. “An opportunity to delve into themes and issues related to the history of our country through the contribution of authoritative guests, professors, writers and cultural workers, with clips from Sergio Zavoli’s investigation,” said Rector Bruno Botta. “It is a great pleasure for the University to promote events of this kind, in synergy with partners and guests of great cultural level.
For the general director of UnitelmaSapienza, Mauro Giustozzi, “this lecture series has the merit of bringing back to our memory a historical experience about which probably everything has not yet been written because of the enormous implications it had, and it has the merit of allowing those who have not had direct experience to be able to reflect on an episode of our recent history that is not studied in school.”
For historian and RAI popularizer Michela Ponzani, “it is important not to disperse the memory of a traumatic event for the history of our Republic, studied at length by Miguel Gotor who worked on the memoir written by Moro during the 55 days of his imprisonment, an important source that allows us to make a historical analysis of that event and to understand how the Republic overcame a collective trauma. It is important to talk about it to young people because this event also shows us how strong our country was in recomposing itself and recovering that lost sense of identity.”
History, for Miguel Gotor, councillor for Culture of Roma Capitale and professor of modern history at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, “serves precisely this purpose: to communicate the essentials of this very important page of our past. The kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro is a periodizing event of our Republic, a wound that opened a before and an after, a watershed with which in my opinion ends a constitutional expansive phase.”

– photo xi2/Italpress –