A chair at Bocconi to understand how innovation transforms

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – In the contemporary world, innovation is more than ever the engine of economic growth. From the industrial revolution to the advent of digitization, the ability to create new products and processes has always determined the success of businesses. Today, we are on the threshold of a new era: the “third age of machines,” characterized by generative artificial intelligence (AI), which promises to profoundly transform business dynamics. But how are businesses preparing for this revolution? What are the challenges and opportunities emerging from this technological transition?These questions will be attempted to be answered by the Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi Foundation Chair in Innovation Management entrusted to Gianmario Verona (pictured) of Bocconi. The new chair will be inaugurated on October 3 (Aula Magna, Via Gobbi 5, 6:15 p.m.).This chair was created thanks to the support of the Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi Foundation, which has been committed for years to promoting research and innovation within the Milanese university. In addition to the new chair in Innovation Management, the Foundation supports several other initiatives, including the chairs in Behavioral Economics and Finance, Computer Science and Development Economics, with the aim of stimulating academic research in key areas for business competitiveness and the well-being of people and society.”The continued support of the Romeo and Enrica Invernizzi Foundation,” explains Francesco Billari, rector of Bocconi, “not only allows the university and its researchers to explore new frontiers of research, but is fundamental to the development of skills that will be decisive for the future of our businesses and society. The chairs established by the Foundation are a point of reference for training and academic research in strategic areas. “Foundation President Giuseppe Bertoni says, “The Invernizzi Foundation supports this new chair with particular conviction, because it represents a unique opportunity to explore in depth – also thanks to the continuous confrontation between experts, institutions and entrepreneurs – the impact of artificial intelligence on companies, along with the challenges and opportunities it implies, starting with the ethical one. A challenge that applies as much to the proponents of innovation, at various levels, as it does to the users: businesses, politicians, citizens and, last but not least, students of courses like this one, who will be the protagonists of change in the coming years. “According to Professor Verona, the chair will not just be a center for theoretical studies, but a real laboratory of innovation: “Our research will focus on how artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the development of new products and business models. The goal is to understand how companies can address epochal challenges, such as sustainability and technological change, through effective innovation governance. “The chair will, therefore, address highly topical issues.AI and new product development: the role of artificial intelligence in creating radical innovations.Sustainability and technological change: how companies can navigate between digital transformation and the need to reduce environmental impact.Innovation governance: the importance of aligning top management with innovation processes.At the launch event, after Verona’s keynote lectio magistralis titled “Firms and Innovation in the Third Machine Age,” which will explore the topic of innovation in the context of generative artificial intelligence and the implications for the business world, a panel discussion will follow with some of the key players from industry and research including Sergio Dompè, CEO of Dompè Farmaceutici; Monica Iacono, CEO of Engie; Marcella Panucci, Chief of Cabinet of the Ministry of University and Research; Marco Tronchetti Provera, Executive Vice President of Pirelli; and Luca Mignini, professor of practice at Bocconi. Moderating the meeting will be Daniele Manca, Deputy Editor of Corriere della Sera.

– Photo: Photogram Agency -(ITALPRESS).