Conai and University of Bari launch course to train 80 green managers

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The advanced training course Waste Management in the Circular Economy, aimed at young graduates from Puglia and Basilicata who want to develop environmental skills with a focus on packaging waste management, was presented this afternoon in the press room of Palazzo Montecitorio, at the initiative of the Honorable Patty L’Abbate. Promoted by CONAI as a new stage of its Green Jobs, the post-graduate training paths that help recent graduates find professional opportunities in the field of protecting the Planet, the course is being activated by the University of Bari Aldo Moro: it will take place with remote lectures in synchronous mode from November 12, 2024 to January 21, 2025, and will aim to make the professional expendability of young professionals interested in environmental issues more solid, deepening not only theoretical knowledge but also technological, scientific and economic aspects related to waste treatment and recovery.Speaking today werePatty L’Abbate, Vice-President of the Environment Commission; CONAI Deputy Director General Fabio Costarella; Professor Bruno Notarnicola of the University of Bari Aldo Moro, coordinator of the course; and Paola Ficco, scientific coordinator of Reteambiente Formazione. “Creating professional figures with skills in the circular economy is essential, not only for businesses, but for the entire community,” L’Abbate explained. Becoming competitive and circular businesses means adopting a new approach to production, product design, and significantly reducing environmental impact through innovative processes. To achieve this goal, it is essential to train green managers capable of supporting the necessary transformation, both in the private sector and in public administration. This course represents a virtuous example of collaboration between academia, institutions and industry, which together have been able to create a unique training opportunity. An initiative that allows young people to acquire the skills required to meet the challenges of the future and contributes to the sustainable development of the area. For the young people, it opens up concrete career opportunities in a job market that is increasingly oriented toward the future and sustainable practices.” “For the community, the benefits include improved quality of life, reduced pollution and greater attention to health,” he adds. “Through green jobs, we offer young people in Puglia and Basilicata the chance to become agents of change, putting their skills at the service of the common good and their community. “CONAI’s commitment to training also continues. Green Jobs was born five years ago, becoming in a very short time an unmissable appointment,” comments CONAI Deputy General Manager Fabio Costarella. “These are training courses created to promote skills in the field of circular economy with a particular focus on the regions of Central and Southern Italy, which in this sector still suffer some delay in having an integrated cycle in the management of packaging waste. Green Jobs, after all, respond to the need for professional figures in the waste management sector: enabling us to win the sustainable challenges that await our country will also be training. Which, in fact, has always been part of CONAI’s institutional tasks: in-depth and interdisciplinary knowledge is indispensable to really close the circle, also in view of the European waste interception goals, which will demand increasingly challenging results from Italy. “As an Athenaeum, we accepted CONAI’s proposal for the creation of a high-level training course on circularity issues in waste management with great enthusiasm,” says Notarnicola. “There are many courses available on the market, but it is difficult to find them free of charge like this one. The fact that it is telematic will also be able to facilitate attendance and participation. The course is aimed at all those who want to make green economy topics of their future professions and who intend to apply these skills in the regional context of Puglia and also Taranto. The scientific coordination is by the Ionian Department ‘Legal and Economic Systems of the Mediterranean: society, environment, culturè, which pertains to the Merceological Sciences, disciplines that since the 1970s have been pioneers in dealing with these issues. The Ionian Department, in particular, takes a multidisciplinary approach to sustainability, as topics are addressed from legal, technical-business and commodity perspectives. “The course is open to a maximum of eighty participants completely free of charge, subject to registration fees. To apply, all graduates from Puglia and Basilicata under35 have until Oct. 24.Developed in collaboration with Reteambiente Formazione and with a contribution from Ranstad, Waste Management in the Circular Economy will consist of twenty-six teaching modules of ninety minutes each, which will be divided into thirteen training days.In the chair will be representatives of the seven supply chain consortia of the CONAI system, companies involved in recycling in the territory of Puglia and Basilicata, as well as academic experts in the field of circular economy.Students who have followed live at least 80 percent overall of the relevant modules will be admitted to a final test to verify learning, through a multiple-choice test. Participants who pass the test will be issued a certificate of participation with recognition of educational credits.Those interested in participating in the Call for Participation should register on the University’s website. The call for applications and the course program can be downloaded at this link: or in the News section of the official website

– photo spf/Italpress -(ITALPRESS).