Consap, Giacomoni “Our social role decisive for Italians”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The new generations for the first time in the history of our country risk being worse off than previous generations. Today young people have worse future prospects than their parents: too many do not study or work, many have precarious jobs with low salaries. Buying a house or bringing a child into the world, making a life plan, now seems to have become a luxury, an impossible task. That is why, at this historical moment in our country, the great social role that Consap, the Concessionary Public Insurance Service, which I have been honored to chair for the past year, can play is also very important. Consap SpA with its activities, with the more than 40 funds it manages for the PA and with the guarantees it can provide on behalf of the State, allows Italians, young people, large families to be able to take out a mortgage to buy their 1st home, offering a guarantee ranging from 50 to 90 percent for large families, or it can allow deserving students to access a loan to be able to undertake university studies. Just as it can intervene through the Road Victims Fund to compensate those who have been in an accident with an uninsured car or a hit-and-run driver or through the FIR we have intervened to compensate savers defrauded by banks, at the same time with a special fund we protect the Victims of Hunting, Mafia, Usury and all Victims of Violent Crimes. Consap is there!” Thus Consap President Sestino Giacomoni, speaking at the Economy Day organized by Forza Italia in Milan.

photo: Photogram Agency