Confapi, Camisa “A friendly tax and simplifications to help SMEs”

MILAN (ITALPRESS) – “We should have a tax system that is increasingly business friendly, that helps them to produce: instead, very often it becomes much easier to tax in the short term” and this prevents “our companies from growing. Simplification is also an atavistic problem: we should start rewarding the historicity of serious companies, which have been in the market for a long time and therefore should benefit from regulatory simplifications.” This was said by Cristian Camisa, president of Confapi, interviewed by Claudio Brachino for the TV magazine Italpress Economy.As for the next maneuver, “undoubtedly the budget hole that was created by the Superbonus has created an extremely difficult situation,” but “we cannot think only of working on the short term: we have made pragmatic proposals of real help to the world of SMEs, which contribute 48 percent of exports, 65 percent of added value and more than 70 percent of the workforce employed,” he explained.For Confapi, “the real priority is manpower: one of our economic surveys says 62 percent of our companies do not find qualified personnel, we must work to provide an answer to this need.” The causes of this shortage are due to “the demographic winter, a structural fact,” but also to the fact that “young people are no longer willing to mediate their free time with a type of work that is not consonant with their needs,” he stressed. First and foremost, Camisa continued, “we have to make sure that employees who are already within companies can work more, and to incentivize them, we have to detax at least a portion of overtime.” In addition, “we have a percentage of between 5 and 8 percent of young graduates who go abroad to earn more money: we have to make sure that capable and prepared young people can immediately have roles of responsibility, I think this has to become a national strategy. “In addition, “we think that immigration can also be seen in a different way: we are training people directly on the spot, starting from the specific needs of our companies.” Another key issue is energy: “How can we be competitive if we have such a large initial gap? The Italian energy companies are making staggering profits, maybe the pricing system deserves a change. Another immediate thing that could be included in the budget law is to encourage purchasing groups even for SMEs that buy energy in the long term, to initiate some price stability that does not only take into account short-term volatility.” In the long term, he added, “nuclear without buts and buts: today, to be competitive, it is an issue that cannot be ignored.”

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