La Russa “On the Consulta, a political understanding would be best.”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “I could say – and I do – that I didn’t say any of that, and Musolino could insist that we talked about her possibly switching to the center-right. That would be my version and hers. But in any case, it is a lie to say – as Renzi does – that we had lunch together and talked about him voting for the Council. We had neither coffee nor a glass of water. It is the senator herself who denies Renzi. We talked 25 seconds close to other people, and in 25 seconds in front of other people it is offensive to think that I could speculate about changes of tunic. That’s all.” Thus Senate President Ignazio La Russa in an interview with Corriere della Sera about Iv leader Renzi’s “accusations” that he tried to get a vote on the Consulta from one of his senators. According to La Russa on the Consulta “a political understanding would be the best thing: in December there will be four judges expiring, I would already see favorably an agreement between gentlemen to give space to the various sensibilities. Of course, there needs to be the right climate, but if instead this should not be there and Parliament decides by a majority, there would be nothing illegitimate.” The Senate president stresses that he has not favored MPs switching to the majority and indeed “in the Senate we already have rules that disadvantage those who change groups. But if someone for consistency with their ideas or something else no longer feels comfortable in the group they belong to, it is not for me to judge. I can understand.”
-Photo: Senate Press Office-