The “sacrifice” of banks

Bank, my wish bank, are you the most generous in the kingdom? In these hours, on the basis of the first 38 formal pages of the new economic maneuver, the mainstream debates about these 3.5 billion that come from banking institutions and insurance companies and that will be used, at the moment, for measures to benefit citizens. It is about time that the richest, who have become such – moreover, not because of prowess but because of the ECB’s decision to raise the cost of money as never before in the short history of the euro – give to the neediest.

As the hours went by, however, the amatrician-style Robin Hoods had to reconsider. It is technically a tax advance that in two years the government will have to pay back. Cheating, even cries the opposition, which, however, has never explained where it would get the money for all the costly social measures it has in mind. In France, Melenchon won the election (not alone) and helped Macron get rid of Le Pen, but Macron did not reciprocate him with the government. Not least because his finance would have screwed up the state’s accounts.

At our place, the pragmatic Meloni and the steely Giorgetti have kept the accounts in order and the social measures they have secured are the essential ones (a separate discussion will be made for health care). Even with money from the banks. Which are not enemies, the PM reminded. Having clarified everything, only one mystery remains: but why does the Minister of Economy continue to call a sacrifice a sacrifice, that of the banks, if that money will go back into their pockets?

The article The “sacrifice ” of banks comes from TheNewyorker.

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