Film and audiovisual industry, from UniCredit support for the supply chain

ROME (ITALPRESS) – A study carried out by the company E-Media for UniCredit was presented today at the panel organized by UniCredit as part of the MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo, in which the current market scenario was analyzed and growth opportunities were identified for companies in the audiovisual supply chain operating in an increasingly competitive international context.The first part of the study defines the Italian regulatory environment in terms of support for the entire supply chain and its composition. The study examined a sample of companies representing about 85 percent of audiovisual production with 2.8 Billion in value. The Italian audiovisual market is characterized by its small size when compared with those of other European countries due to a low propensity of households to spend on cultural products and services, extremely low investments in commercial communication by companies, and lower public investments due to the stagnation of the overall resources allocated (canon, tax credit, regional contributions, etc.).Next, the study outlines some growth strategies for companies in the audiovisual supply chain. In detail, the suggested lines of development are: internationalization of productions with series designed for foreign circulation, industrialization of the production process (from writing to production, post-production, etc.), production engineering to reduce costs, and production diversification.The results of E-Media’s study were discussed in the panel discussion, moderated by Roberto Fiorini, Regional Manager Central Italy of UniCredit, and attended by Luca Bernabei, CEO LuxVide, Giampaolo Letta, CEO Medusa Film, Andrea Occhipinti, Founder Lucky Red, Antonio Maresi, Head of UniCredit Audiovisual Desk.”UniCredit,” emphasized Roberto Fiorini, Regional Manager Central Italy, “wants to further strengthen the strategic partnership relationship with companies in the film and audiovisual sector and offer concrete support for the growth and internationalization of companies in the sector. With the audiovisual desk, UniCredit has disbursed 400 million in production and distribution financing and in the first 6 months of 2024 has more than doubled disbursements to the sector compared to 2021, reconfirming its commitment to the sector. Specifically, UniCredit supported companies with the activation of new funding channels, such as bonds, minibonds and supply chain Basket Bonds, accompanied them in capital market operations and promoted initiatives aimed at training the profiles most in demand in the audiovisual market, also encouraging financial education paths, in partnership with ANICA Academy.”

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