Intesa Sanpaolo, Chief Security Officer area entrusted to De Vita is born

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Intesa Sanpaolo’s Board of Directors, which met under the chairmanship of Gian Maria Gros-Pietro, resolved the establishment of the new Governance Area ‘Chief Security Officer,’ reporting directly to Managing Director and CEO Carlo Messina, entrusted to Antonio De Vita.The newly established Governance Area is entrusted with the oversight of physical security, information security (cyber security) and business continuity (business continuity). This ensures: a single point of oversight of security models and solutions; budget governance; identification of priorities; and consolidation of adherence to the best international security standards and models. Carlo Messina, Managing Director and CEO of Intesa Sanpaolo, commented, “General De Vita brings to Intesa Sanpaolo his experience, expertise and authority to strengthen an area of fundamental importance to the Bank. Thanks to his joining the Group and with the establishment of the new Area we will be able to ensure focus, investment and resources on security, in all its complex aspects, with particular reference to technological ones.”

– Intesa Sanpaolo press office photo –