Incidents at pro-Palestine procession in Rome, 41-year-old Tunisian arrested

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The State Police arrested a 41-year-old Tunisian man, as a result of investigative activities immediately initiated by the Rome Digos and directed by the local Public Prosecutor’s Office, following the serious incidents recorded during the national demonstration, in support and solidarity with the Palestinian people, held last Saturday, Oct. 5, in Piazzale Ostiense, in defiance of the denial formally opposed to the organizers by Mr. Questore of Rome.
In light of the serious elements gathered, the Judge for Preliminary Investigations ordered the foreigner to be remanded in custody, who was then associated with Regina Coeli by the Capitoline Digos, as he was held responsible for the crime of “resistance to the P.U. aggravated because it was committed by more than ten persons gathered together.”
The arrested man was noticed by police personnel on public order duty during the demonstration, as, during the episodes of violence perpetrated against the FF.OO., he, together with about fifty people, wearing a black helmet and a disguised face, had given rise to a dense throwing of blunt objects, positioning himself behind the deployed departments, thus engaging them on a double front.
The same, specifically, had distinguished himself, by voluntarily making cuts on an arm and chest with a razor blade extracted shortly before from his mouth, in the evident purpose of preventing restraining interventions against him, while threatening to hit the operators, uttering, also, statements in the Arabic language
Subsequent investigations, carried out also through the analysis of video material with which the criminal conduct was documented, made it possible to arrive at the complete identification of the man, going back to the stages in which he appeared without the disguise.
The foreigner, who is homeless and used to sleep at makeshift facilities, is considered to be “a person with an extremely violent temperament” and burdened with numerous police records for crimes against property and state personality, as well as attempted murder.

– Photo: Police Press Office –