Renzi “Meloni makes propaganda but magistrates stop chatting”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We have a premier who is an influencer and not a stateswoman. Faced with complicated problems like immigration, she plays the commercial card. Thus was born Operation Albania, which even Edi Rama, premier of Tirana, calls ‘an election commercial that serves GiorgiĆ . She wants likes on Instagram, she doesn’t solve the problem. She scripts a commercial. But as with Chiara Ferragni and Pandoro, something happens to ruin the plan. Today all Italians know that, while asking for sacrifices for the budget law, more than 700 million euros are wasted on a useless migrant center.” Thus, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, Italia Viva leader Matteo Renzi says that Pd secretary Elly Schlein is right to say that what the government did in Albania could amount to fiscal damage. “Yes. And in fact we have prepared a formal complaint to the Court of Auditors. Meloni sent a ship with 16 people just to have the news hosannas at dinnertime. But there was a ruling preventing her from sending them off like that. Who pays for the round trip cost? Why should Corriere readers or any other Italian citizen pay for it with their taxes? This money has to be paid back by members of the government. This is all absurd. Companies are asking for legal, skilled migrants and we take money away from health care and waste it on Albania. Even the right-wing people I talk to are dumbfounded. “For Renzi, moreover, “it is unacceptable” the Cassation magistrate’s email about Giorgia Meloni: “One thing is the judges’ ruling rejecting the transfer of migrants, a fair decision, in line with European law: there is no question about that. Another is the magistrates’ habit of commenting on politics in chat rooms: their emails obfuscate the judge’s third party status. If the magistrate feels like turning on the computer, fine, let him write a good sentence since we have a lot of backlog. Why does he have to attack Meloni instead? With that email – moreover – he gave her a gift. Because instead of talking about the waste of public resources, Meloni produced herself in the usual victimhood that characterizes her every other day. “I,” Renzi stressed, “am proud to be different from Meloni. She plays the garantist today but has been justicialist with me. She was the toughest against my brother-in-law and when he was acquitted she did not even find time to apologize. Giorgia Meloni’s hypocrisy is evident but I am not like her. I am a garantist always, even and especially with opponents.” And to the question whether this attitude of hers toward magistrates is not in contradiction with the attempt to reconnect with the Democratic Party, she replied, “The PD was born with a garantist tradition and proposes a relationship with the judiciary that is different from the years of Tangentopoli first and from the vigilante grill subculture later. So I am faithful to the history of the reformist center-left. I want a winning center-left that is not based on judicial justicialism and populism.” “I remember that Maurizio Martina brought the thesis of the separation of careers to the 2019 congress and the whole leadership group at that time, starting with Debora Serracchiani, defended the principle. I don’t know if they have changed their minds. I do know that unfortunately nothing will come of it as with all of Nordio’s proclamations. The Minister of Justice who was supposed to simplify the law has produced dozens more crimes. In two years the Meloni government has raised penalties or introduced new crimes for 417 more years in prison. And this is the minister who wanted to decriminalize? What a disappointment. In the meantime, let’s separate the careers of the good magistrates from the not-so-good ones: those who do wrong must pay. “When asked how he will end up in Liguria at the regionals, he replied, “I don’t know. I just hope that we vote thinking about infrastructure, not maximum systems. Liguria is beautiful but isolated. The construction sites on the Bisagno, the rebuilding of the Morandi Bridge, the dam, the Gronda, the Third Pass, however, say that if you do public works right, that land changes its face. We need infrastructure, not ideologies.” And, finally, if it is right for the opposition to vote for Fitto as EU commissioner, he declares, “Yes. Also because better Fitto than other names that were circulating. Certainly Meloni inviting patriotism and forgetting when she was doing street demonstrations against Gentiloni or calling for Mogherini’s resignation is the triumph of hypocrisy. We, on the other hand, are on Italy’s side, always.”- Agenzia Fotogramma photo -(ITALPRESS).