Sbarra “We await convening to discuss contents of the maneuver”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We are waiting for a convocation of the government to discuss and analyze the contents of the Budget Bill before giving an exclusively trade union judgment, but if the measures announced are confirmed, the Manoeuvre would accommodate many Cisl requests, such as the structural reduction of the tax wedge, the extent of which is approaching the middle range, and the amalgamation of Irpef rates.” This is what CISL leader Luigi Sbarra emphasizes. “Important is the increase in allocations for the National Health Fund, destined for hiring and stabilization, and the enhancement of decentralized bargaining with the detaxation of wages linked to productivity and the strengthening of fringe benefits in favor of workers. Also positive,” he adds, “is the restoration of pension indexation, the allocation of resources for public contracts 2025-2027, the refinancing of the Ape sociale, and the confirmation of incentives for hiring in the South in the coming years as well. We also consider very relevant the interventions to support the family and the birthrate, the strengthening of parental leave. We will be vigilant to ensure, if confirmed in the Maneuver, the effective implementation of these measures and improve them during the parliamentary process. An additional effort must be made on the middle class, increasing the reduction of the tax wedge and lowering the second bracket Irpef rates to be extended at least up to 60 thousand euros. We also call for a strengthening of the fight against tax and contribution avoidance and evasion and the reopening of talks on pension reform. The solidarity contribution required from banks and insurance companies,” he notes, “is a good step, but it should also be extended to multinationals in logistics, digital, pharmaceutical and energy. It is necessary to tax large real estate and financial rents more and to reformulate corporate benefits, introducing social responsibility criteria and promoting participatory practices. Looking ahead, it is crucial to renew public and private contracts, invest more in Security, fully implement the NRP projects, revive wages, productivity and active labor and training policies, and develop new industrial and energy strategies. This path,” Sbarra concludes, “requires the commitment of all reformist actors to define a new Pact of Responsibility based on social participation.”(ITALPRESS).-Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma-