Saving and Investing: differences and tips

Saving and investing are two key concepts for building a sound financial foundation, but they are not the same thing.

Both can contribute to a more secure financial future, but it is crucial to understand the differences and know when it is worth saving and when it is better to invest.

The main distinction between savings and investment concerns the level of risk.

In fact, saving generally offers lower returns with almost no risk. In contrast, investing presents opportunities for higher returns but also carries the risk of loss.

Below, we explore the main differences between saving and investing and why it is important to use both strategies to build long-term wealth.

Differenze tra risparmio e investimento

Despite some similarities, savings and investment differ in several respects, especially in the type of assets.

When you think of savings, consider banking products such as savings accounts, money markets and certificates of deposit (CDs). Investing, on the other hand, involves assets such as stocks, ETFs, bonds and mutual funds.

Pro e contro del risparmio

Saving is generally safer and avoids capital losses, while also offering the ability to access funds quickly.


Gli interessi sui conti di risparmio sono garantiti e conosciuti in anticipo.
I conti bancari sono garantiti dalla fondo interbancario fino a 100.000€ per depositante, per banca, per categoria di proprietà.
I prodotti bancari sono molto liquidi, consentendo di accedere rapidamente ai fondi.
Spese di gestione ridotte.


Rendimenti bassi, che potrebbero non superare l’inflazione.

Pro e contro dell’investimento

Investing has more risks than saving, but it also offers the possibility of higher returns in the long run.


Rendimenti potenzialmente più alti, come l’indice S&P 500 che storicamente ha restituito circa il 10% annuo.
Liquidità degli investimenti: azioni, obbligazioni ed ETF possono essere venduti facilmente.
Possibilità di superare l’inflazione nel lungo periodo con una strategia di diversificazione.


Rischio di perdita di capitale, soprattutto nel breve periodo.
Possibilità di non recuperare l’importo investito se si vende in momenti sfavorevoli.
Necessità di lasciare gli investimenti per un periodo di almeno cinque anni.

Somiglianze tra risparmio e investimento

Savings and investment share the common goal of accumulating money for the future.

Both savings and safer investments require opening accounts with financial institutions. To save money, one can open bank accounts or accounts with a credit union.

To invest, one opens accounts with a broker, although today many banks also offer brokerage services.

Both emphasize the importance of having funds saved to cover unexpected expenses before committing large sums to long-term investments. Investing means setting aside money to make it grow and contribute to one’s dreams and future.

Quando scegliere di risparmiare

Se prevedi di avere bisogno dei soldi entro pochi anni, un conto di risparmio ad alto rendimento o un fondo del mercato monetario è probabilmente la scelta giusta.
Se non hai ancora costruito un fondo di emergenza, concentrati prima su questo obiettivo. Gli esperti consigliano di avere risparmi sufficienti a coprire almeno tre-sei mesi di spese.
Se hai debiti ad alto interesse, come carte di credito, è preferibile estinguerli prima di iniziare a investire.

Quando scegliere di investire

Se non avrai bisogno dei soldi per almeno cinque anni e sei disposto a tollerare un certo rischio, investire potrebbe offrire rendimenti migliori rispetto al risparmio.
Se hai un piano pensionistico abbinato al datore di lavoro, contribuisci abbastanza per ottenere l’abbinamento: è essenzialmente denaro gratuito.
Se hai già costruito il tuo fondo di emergenza e hai pagato i debiti ad alto interesse, investire il denaro in eccesso potrebbe aiutarti a costruire ricchezza nel tempo. L’investimento è essenziale se desideri raggiungere obiettivi a lungo termine come la pensione.

Real-world examples are often helpful in illustrating these concepts. For example, the money to pay your child’s tuition next semester should be kept in a savings account, money market fund, or short-term CD to be sure that it will be available when needed.

Otherwise someone might think, ‘Well, I have a year and I’m buying a house, maybe I should invest in stocks.'” In that case it is more of a gamble than a prudent strategy.

The same goes for an emergency fund, which should never be invested but rather kept in savings to ensure immediate liquidity.

If you get sick, lose your job or experience some unforeseen event, you don’t have to resort to debt. You saved on purpose to be prepared for life’s challenges.

Quando è meglio investire?

Investing is best suited for long-term money, money that you want to grow more aggressively. Depending on your level of risk tolerance, investing in stock market index funds or mutual funds might be a good option.

If you can afford to keep the money invested for a long time, you will have a better chance of weathering fluctuations in the financial markets. Therefore, investing is an excellent choice when you have a long time horizon (ideally many years) and have no need to access funds in the short term. Investing is the only way to try to beat inflation.

If someone wants to start investing, best to consider mutual funds as a starting point. That way you can better understand how the market works and how money can grow over time.


Although investing may seem complicated, there are simple ways to get started. The first step is to become better informed about investments and understand whether they are the right choice to ensure a more secure financial future.