ROME (ITALPRESS) – “The year 2025 is a little longer, because it began on Nov. 5, 2024. On that day Donald Trump was elected to the presidency of the United States, and many of the trends and events that will characterize this year originate from the expectations and early announcements of the new administration that formally takes office on January 20. This is certainly true for the U.S. and its neighbors, for other competing geopolitical areas, such as China, for the various ongoing war zones and tensions, but it is also true – I would say especially, as far as we are concerned – for Europe and Italy. Indeed, one has heard sharply the vibrant sound of the American ‘wake-up call,’ which must push us to implement reforms right now, during this 2025.” This is what can be read in FeBAF President Fabio Cerchiai’s editorial at the beginning of the year, published in the first 2025 issue of Lettera f, the weekly newsletter of the Federation of Banks Insurance and Finance (FeBAF).
In Europe and also in Italy, “it will be urgent to concretize the proposals of the Draghi and Letta reports. I will simply mention the need – common to both – for a true savings and investment union, alongside the banking union, which would help channel the bulk of household savings to businesses and infrastructure, including social infrastructure, which are essential for a more competitive and resilient society. This is also the way to achieve, together with a finally single, innovative and sustainable market, the necessary strategic autonomy of the European Union and that security that is at the heart of the European semester of presidency in charge, in this first half of the year, of Poland as well as being mantra of the new Commission.”
In Italy, “having reached an institutional stability that we are unanimously recognized internationally (as FeBAF we have proof of this in the Dialogues on financial issues with our European counterparts),” Cerchiai continues, “it is increasingly essential to achieve that “public-private” alliance to which so many agree in words, but without actually moving from words to deeds. An alliance that will have to serve to cover – thanks to the objectives defined by the public and the skills and resources contributed by the private sector – the increasingly evident and intolerable protection gaps related to welfare, as well as protection with respect to the growing natural disasters resulting from climate change. These are priorities and reforms, on the Brussels-Rome directorate, that can be pursued provided we work on them right away but with conviction and concreteness. On these, as FeBAF, we will focus our interlocution with the institutions and many of our commitments in 2025. A year, then, “begun” in November, but still short, if we really want to be protagonists and not extras, because the rest of this deglobalized world does not wait for us and less and less will in the future. With realism I remain confident and I know that those who represent the businesses gathered in the Federation are equally so, because we know the strength and capabilities of our communities.”
– FeBAF press office photo-