PALERMO (ITALPRESS) – One of the most active birth points in the Sicilian territory, Villa Serena in Palermo offers parents-to-be the first course designed to better prepare for the birth of their baby. Curated by Dr. Giovanni Muscolino, head of the Clinic’s functional unit of Neonatology, and held by a team of highly experienced pediatric nurses and childminders, the initiative is a unique opportunity to acquire practical and theoretical skills in the management of the newborn.The course is divided into five meetings with 5 to a maximum of 10 participants. After an introduction to what it really means to become a parent, the topics covered will be as follows: Childbirth, birth, and the first days of life in the clinic: caregiving care and essential information; Skin to Skin and Bonding: how to foster bonding with the newborn; Breastfeeding: benefits, techniques, and ideal position; Caring for the newborn at home: from the first bath to sleep management; Interpreting the newborn’s cry: relaxation techniques and when to contact the pediatrician.Each session is designed to support parents by providing them with the right tools to face the early stages of the baby’s life with serenity. It is a comprehensive educational course, rich in practical content, specially designed for a conscious and anxiety-free parenting experience.The course, which is in addition to the pre-natal one, will start in mid-February.To join and get information on costs just send an email to by Antonio Di Giovanni-(ITALPRESS).