ROME (ITALPRESS) – At the opening of the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni reportedly shared with her colleagues in the executive branch “two pieces of good news about the effectiveness of government action, taken up by the press today.” The first concerns “the lower interest we will have to bear on our government bonds. The Parliamentary Budget Office has calculated, in fact, that we will save 10.4 billion euros in the two-year period 2025/26 compared to what we had planned in the Def of April 2024 (they become 21 considering also 2027) – explained the Prime Minister -. The data also improve compared to last September, with the UpB estimating for the next few years a spread level that is on average 30 points a year lower than what the government envisaged in the 2025 Budget Structure Plan, with savings on interest of 17.1 billion in total in the 2025-29 period (it is 4.3 billion in the 2025/26 biennium). This is a result of the Government’s credibility and reliability, also reaffirmed with the budget law we recently passed.””This reliability translates into a decrease in the spread and rates on debt, and increasingly increases the appeal of Italian government bonds, which, with each new issue, set a new record of demand. We should be proud of this, because the billions saved are billions more to be spent on health care, schools, support for lower incomes, tax cuts, and investment in infrastructure. This is a radical change of pace from the irresponsible choices of the past,” Meloni stressed. “Change of pace we also record on another front, and I come to the second piece of good news of the day. I’m referring to the reversal of the trend that we have imprinted in the governance of migration flows,” the premier explained. “Today Frontex lets us know that, overall, the number of irregular entries of migrants registered in the European Union in 2024 has dropped to the lowest level since 2021, when migration flows were still affected by the Covid pandemic. “Reduction in flows mainly due to the drastic drop in entries on the central Mediterranean route, thanks to the collapse of departures from Tunisia and Libya. And this is certainly a result due to Italy’s action,” he added, “just as the overall reduction in irregular entries into the European Union, including on the other routes, such as the Balkan one, depends on the great work that our government has undertaken in recent years and which is yielding excellent results.Two pieces of good news of which we should be proud, and which encourage us to continue with perseverance and determination.
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