ROME (ITALPRESS) – “On Jan. 21, the Court of Appeals of Rome, as part of its prerogatives to screen measures restricting personal liberty, declared that there was no need to rule on the arrest” of Libyan citizen Najeem Osema Almasri Habish, who had been detained in Turin on Jan. 19 and was subject to the execution of an international arrest warrant issued the previous day by the International Criminal Court. The court had assessed the arrest “as irregular, in that it was not provided for by law, ordering his immediate release, unless detained for another reason.” This was said by Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi, during Question Time at the Senate. “The man was therefore released in the evening of the same day, only to be repatriated to Tripoli for urgent security reasons, with my deportation order, given the dangerousness of the subject,” he added. “The government has given its willingness to make a more detailed briefing on the case in question, which will take place next week. That will be a useful opportunity to investigate and report on all the steps of the case, including the timing regarding the request, issuance and execution of the international arrest warrant, which then matured at the time of the Libyan citizen’s presence in Italy.”
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