In 2023 disposable income of the North exceeds the South by 30 percent

ROME (ITALPRESS) – In 2023, according to Istat data, GDP by volume at the national level increased by 0.7 percent compared to the previous year. The South showed the most significant growth (+1.5 percent), supported by the strong dynamics recorded in the Construction (+7.3 percent) and Financial, Real Estate and Professional Services (+2.8 percent) sectors. In the Northwest, GDP increased by 0.7 percent, in line with the national average trend, in the Northeast it grew modestly, by 0.4 percent, while it was essentially stable in the Center (+0.3 percent over 2022). In 2023, household final consumption grew in volume by 1.0 percent nationwide.
The dynamics in the breakdowns are quite similar, with increases slightly above the national average in the Center and the Northeast (+1.1% over 2022) and slightly lower in the South (+0.9%). In 2023, household disposable income grew in current values by 4.9 percent nationwide. The most significant increase was observed in the Northwest (+5.7% compared to 2022), the smallest in the Center (+3.9%). Substantially in line with the national average were the dynamics of disposable income in the Northeast and the South (+5.1% and +4.7%, respectively). At 44.7 thousand euros in 2023 (41.8 thousand euros in 2022), the Northwest remains the distribution with the highest GDP per inhabitant (measured in nominal terms). This is followed by the Northeast, with 42.5 thousand euros (39.9 thousand in 2022) and the Center, with 38.6 thousand euros (36.6 thousand in 2022). The South is confirmed last, with 23.9 thousand euros (22.3 thousand in 2022), and the gap with the North-Center widens further: the difference in GDP per inhabitant in 2023 rises to 18.3 thousand euros, from 17.4 thousand euros in 2022 (it was 16.2 thousand euros in 2021). The regional ranking sees the Autonomous Province of Bolzano/Bozen in first place, with a GDP per inhabitant of 59.8 thousand euros, followed by Lombardy (49.1 thousand euros), Autonomous Province of Trento (46.4 thousand euros) and Valle d’Aosta/Vallèe d’Aoste (46.3 thousand euros). In 2023, the disposable income of consumer households, measured at current prices, marked a 4.9 percent increase for the national economy as a whole compared to 2022. More pronounced than the national average was the growth in the Northwest (+5.7 percent), with increases above the national average in all regions: in Valle d’Aosta/Vallèe d’Aoste, Piedmont and Lombardy, disposable income increased by 5.7 percent, and to a slightly lesser extent in Liguria (+5.3 percent).
In 2023, household disposable income per inhabitant in the South (17.1 thousand euros per year) is confirmed as the lowest in the country: the distance from that of the North-Center (25 thousand euros per year) exceeds 30 percent.
-Photo: Agenzia Fotogramma-