33.4 billion in tax evasion recovered in 2024

ROME (ITALPRESS) – In 2024, there was the highest ever recovery from the fight against tax evasion: it amounts to 26.3 billion sums flowing into the state coffers thanks to the tax evasion recovery activities carried out by the Internal Revenue Agency and Agenzia delle Entrate-Risciscione: 1.6 billion more than in 2023 (+6.5 percent). This is the highest result ever. These are the figures presented during the presentation of the results achieved in 2024. To this figure should be added another 7.1 billion in non-tax recoveries achieved by Agenzia delle Entrate-Riscossione on behalf of other entities. In total, therefore, the activities of the two agencies resulted in 33.4 billion being brought back to state coffers, 2 billion more than in the previous year. Amounts spontaneously paid by citizens also increased: revenue from the main taxes managed by the Internal Revenue Service reached 587 billion, up 43 billion from 2023 (+8 percent). The 26.3 billion in tax evasion recovery came mainly (87%) from ordinary activities, which collected 22.8 billion. Of these, 12.6 billion were paid by taxpayers after receiving a deed from the Internal Revenue Service; 5.7 billion as a result of a tax file; and 4.5 billion came from compliance promotion activities. Receipts from extraordinary measures, again referring to the Internal Revenue Service (scrapping of files and residual payments from the settlement of pending litigation and the old pace fiscale), amounted to 3.5 billion, down more than 30 percent from 2023. The Internal Revenue Service and Riscossione collected a total of 16 billion (up 8 percent), including 10.6 billion from ordinary activities and 5.4 billion from extraordinary measures. (ITALPRESS).-Photo: Ipa Agency-