ROME (ITALPRESS) – The Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara, has issued the decree adopting the National System for the Evaluation of the Results of School Leaders, in implementation of the recent legislative provisions promoted by the same minister.With this measure, starting as early as this school year 2024/2025, the evaluation of school leaders will take place taking into account the specificity of the functions and on the basis of the tools and data available to the Ministry’s information system and the National System for the Evaluation of the Results of School Leaders. The procedure will be divided into a phase of assignment of objectives, including those of regional relevance, and one of evaluation, by the directors of the Regional School Offices, also ensuring a possible moment of adversarial debate with the interested parties and the role of a guarantee body. “This is a historic moment for the school sector,” said Minister Valditara, “because the evaluation system now introduced, which will start as early as this year, comes after 25 years of regulatory absence, which has been repeatedly reported at the institutional level and was also due to strong cultural hostility. The new evaluation system will make it possible to verify and accompany the achievement of results, at the service of students and families, also with a view to the professional growth of school leaders, who perform a fundamental function for an increasingly efficient school system.”
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