The risk of nuclear weapons being used again—either in conflict or by accident—is higher than ever. To discuss this issue, understand the policies implemented by various countries, and find solutions to eliminate nuclear weapons before they eliminate us, the Third Meeting of States Parties to the TPNW, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, will take place in New York from March 3 to 7. This treaty has already been signed or ratified by half of the world’s countries.
In January of this year, the Doomsday Clock was moved to 89 seconds to midnight—the closest it has ever been since its creation. Meanwhile, the nine nuclear-armed states are spending billions to modernize and, in some cases, expand their arsenals, maintaining the unacceptable threat of use that is intrinsic to nuclear deterrence.
The conference at the UN headquarters focuses on the TPNW, the only international legal instrument that explicitly bans nuclear weapons. It takes place in an increasingly deteriorating global context, just months before the 80th anniversary of the invention and use of nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These bombings killed over 200,000 people, including approximately 38,000 children. Countries that have not yet joined the TPNW should heed the call of the atomic bomb survivors gathered in Nihon Hidankyo (2024 Nobel Peace Prize winner) by signing and supporting the Treaty, ensuring that hibakusha can see their lifelong struggle for nuclear disarmament recognized and fulfilled.
Although Italy has neither signed nor ratified the TPNW, it could still participate as an observer state—just as some European or NATO countries do—and contribute meaningfully to the goal of complete nuclear disarmament. Despite parliamentary votes supporting participation, Italy did not attend the first two Meetings of States Parties to the TPNW. However, we still hope for a responsible and courageous decision starting this Monday.
Among the key events of the week, we highlight the meeting of parliamentarians from around the world in support of the Treaty (with the participation of Italian MP Laura Boldrini), the session on finance and nuclear weapons (which will present a new investor declaration rejecting nuclear arms, promoted by Etica Sgr and ICAN), and the plenary speech by “Italia Ripensaci” during the session dedicated to the universalization of the Treaty.
Throughout the “Nuclear Ban Week”, promoted by the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) from March 3 to 7, representatives from the “Italia Ripensaci” campaign—composed of Senzatomica and Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo—will take part in various events and side initiatives related to the conference.
On March 4, Michela Pasi, Vice President of Senzatomica and delegate of Youth4TPNW, will participate in the “Youth Conference”, an international meeting of young activists working to shape a future in which everyone can live with full respect for fundamental rights. A segment of the “Italia Ripensaci” delegation will also follow the work of the Parliamentary Forum for the TPNW.
On March 5, during the “International Day of Awareness on Non-Proliferation and Disarmament”, Senzatomica will join an event organized by Cornell University, the Permanent Mission of Kyrgyzstan, the Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies, the Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA). The event, titled “History, Successes, and Challenges of Nuclear Disarmament Education”, will feature speakers including Izumi Nakamitsu, UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.
Francesco Vignarca will represent the “Italia Ripensaci” campaign (promoted by Senzatomica and Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo) at the roundtable discussion “The Role of Cities in Promoting Nuclear Disarmament”, where he will illustrate the involvement of Italian local authorities in ICAN’s Cities Appeal, already supported by over 100 municipalities and 2 regions. The event is organized by Mayors for Peace (an initiative led by the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and Back from the Brink.
On March 6, a live update from the UN headquarters in New York will provide an overview of the conference’s progress for an Italian audience. The webinar, “Civil Society and States for Nuclear Disarmament Under the TPNW: The Contribution of Italia Ripensaci,” is scheduled for 7:00 PM CET and will be streamed on the social media channels of Senzatomica and Rete Italiana Pace e Disarmo.
On March 7, Senzatomica, together with Youth4TPNW, an international organization bringing together young advocates for nuclear disarmament in support of the TPNW, will co-organize a side event focusing on the crucial role of youth in achieving the goal of eliminating nuclear weapons. This event will feature the presentation of Senzatomica’s educational tool “Parliaments for Peace”, which will be demonstrated through a simulation involving diplomats, young leaders, and educators. This interactive workshop is the result of in-depth research in the field of nuclear disarmament education.