In Varese tax fraud on 110% Superbonus, Guardia di Finanza seizes assets worth 240,000 euros

VARESE (ITALPRESS) – Financial officers from the Provincial Command of the Guardia di Finanza of Varese executed a preventive seizure decree of assets and financial assets worth more than 240,000 euros, issued by the Court of Varese – Office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, at the request made by the Varese Public Prosecutor’s Office at the end of an investigation that led to the identification of a tax fraud mechanism, operating in the province of Varese.

The investigations carried out by the Luino Company, under the coordination of the aforementioned Judicial Authority, made it possible to ascertain a massive fraud against the State, carried out by a construction company based in Induno Olona (VA), in relation to the execution of renovation work on properties of private individuals located in the municipality of Maccagno con Pino and Veddasca, with access to the tax benefits provided Super Bonus 110%, in reality never performed or performed only partially. And what’s more, the investigations of the Finance Police showed that the works, only securitized, began before the required legal authorizations.

The criminal scheme was carried out with the decisive complicity of two certified technicians, who provided for falsely certifying the execution of the works, through the forwarding to the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) of the required certificates on the subject. As a result of the investigations, four people, including the directors pro tempore of the company contracting the work, were reported to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Varese for the issuance of false invoices, as well as two certified technicians, in connection with the false certificates produced. Administrative responsibility under Legislative Decree 231/2001 was also ascertained for the company.

On the basis of the numerous elements collected by the economic-financial police, the investigating Public Prosecutor made a special request for seizure “for equivalent” of the total amount of over 240,000 euros, following which the Court of Varese – Office of the Judge for Preliminary Investigations, fully sharing the assumptions legitimizing the adoption of the measure alleged by the Public Prosecutor, disposed of the preventive seizure, noting the need to bind the identified assets in order to stop the criminal conduct and to ensure the satisfaction of the infringed revenue interest. In execution of the said measure, the economic and financial police subjected to seizure real estate, vehicles and current accounts, in the names and/or traceable to the suspects, which were the fruit of the illicit enrichment.

– photo: screenshot video Guardia di Finanza –