Rizzi “Calipari point of reference”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Nicola Calipari’s “capacity for dialogue” “made him a reference point for those who, like me, had the privilege of working together with him.” This is what Vittorio Rizzi, director general of the Department of Information for the Security of the Republic (Dis), writes in the latest issue of Formiche magazine dedicated to the figure of the Sismi official who died 20 years ago during the liberation of journalist Giuliana Sgrena.

In addition to his contribution, there are also those of Giovanni Caravelli, director of the Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Esterna (Aise, the agency that took over Calipari’s Sismi legacy with the 2007 reform); and Bruno Valensise, director of the Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna (Aisi). The magazine was distributed last night at a screening of the film “The Kite,” which reconstructs the figure of Calipari and his killing in Iraq.

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