Publishing, Sommella “Update laws to fight digital monopolies”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – Clarifying the role of information in the current political and economic environment, delving into the risks and opportunities related to technological evolution and pluralism in the publishing market. This is the message that emerged from the lectio magistralis of Spes Academy “Carlo Azeglio Ciampi” entitled “Media, information and power.” Participants included Roberto Sommella, editor of Milano Finanza and AI Committee member at the Publishing Department, who in his speech stressed the need for a new law on publishing in Italy. “It is necessary for our country to update its law on publishing that guarantees the pluralism of information, which in itself defines the rate of democracy in a country, finding the resources needed to exercise this right enshrined in the Constitution and protecting those who work in the sector and bear the costs and growing difficulties of the moment,” Sommella said.

He also emphasized the importance of countering the concentration of power in the hands of large digital platforms, adding, “From a market perspective, thanks to existing antitrust laws, it must be ensured that the monopoly power of large digital platforms does not also reverberate in the use and application of artificial intelligence systems in the publishing sector as in so many other sectors, from credit to politics.” Finally, he emphasized the need for advanced Ia regulation. “Italy, as Parliament is preparing to do by converting the government’s bill, must provide itself with an advanced Ia law that protects both employment in the sectors where it will be applied and the training of new human professions, guaranteeing, as far as publishing is concerned, respect for copyright and the identification by the reader of the matrix of origin of the writing and the image in front of him.”

– Photo AI Committee in the European Parliament –