Conte “April 5 in the square, we don’t want Italy on the bill”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Italy’s situation is a red alert: families are increasingly struggling, tightening their belts in the face of high living costs and high bills. There is a collapse of industrial production, so many companies are in danger of closing down, and our government together with Europe is thinking of planning new military expenditures again and again, moreover, obtaining the separation of these expenditures from the Stability Pact.” Thus M5S leader Giuseppe Conte in a video on social media. “There is even talk of 20 billion more for Italy alone for this arms race,” Conte continued. We tell the government to stop: we need investment in health, education, schools, human capital, research, innovation. That’s why we have to say no to this government and meet here in Rome on April 5: we don’t want an Italy on the bill.”

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