ROME (ITALPRESS) – RFI Paola Firmi – President Graduated with honors in Civil Transport Engineering from La Sapienza University of Rome, with a doctorate in Environmental Design of Transport Infrastructure, Paola Firmi has worked in the FS Italian Group since 1993. She has held positions of increasing responsibility in RFI, leading first the “Environment” and “Civil Infrastructure Standards” structures and then the Technical Management. In 2022/2023 she headed RFI’s Deputy General Directorate for Development and Standards, with a focus on technological development, resilience and network enhancement. Since November 2023, she has been CEO of Infrarail Ltd. in which she also serves as General Manager. She has served on national and international committees, including the Italian Electrotechnical Committee and the UIC. She was president of Blu Jet and a director of FS Sistemi Urbani and FS Technology. Since December 2021, she has been president of Italferr and CEO and president of the Brenner Railway Tunnel Company (TFB). Since 2021, she has been appointed Extraordinary Commissioner of the Verona-Brenner railway line upgrading and the Val di Riga Variant.
Aldo Isi – Chief Executive Officer Graduated in Civil Engineering from the University of Parma, Aldo Isi began his career in the FS Italian Group in 1999, where in Rete Ferroviaria Italiana he held multiple positions: from 2014 to 2016 he was Head of the Territorial Production Department in Milan, since 2016 he was entrusted with the role of Investment Director of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, in charge of managing the decision-making process related to the investment implementation cycle, design, construction and commissioning of all new railway lines, conventional and High Speed. From 2018 to 2021 Aldo Isi led Italferr as CEO and General Manager. From 2021 to 2025 he served as CEO and General Manager of Anas. In this new mandate, he is called upon to implement the development strategy outlined in the FS Group’s new Strategic Plan 2025-2029.
Stefano Cuzzilla – Chairman Born in Rome in 1965, graduated in Law. Sits on the Board of Directors of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. He is Chief Executive Officer of I.W.S – Industria, Welfare, Salute S.p.A., a joint-stock company for the provision of services in the field of integrative health care, and Chairman of 4.Manager, an Association established by Federmanager and Confindustria to promote business culture. Since May 2021, he has been a board member of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group, since 2023 Chairman of Trenitalia.
Gianpiero Strisciuglio – Chief Executive Officer Graduated from Bari Polytechnic University with a degree in Transportation Engineering with honors, he holds a Level II Master’s degree from Naples Parthenope University and has been a member of the National Council of Engineers since 2001. He began his career with the FS Group in 2002, holding, over time, managerial positions of increasing importance. From 2013 to 2014, he was responsible for Planning and Service Development of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana in the Bari area. From 2014 to 2017, also in RFI, he held the position of Commercial and Operations Director. From 2017 to 2018, he was Head of the Long Haul Passenger Division in Trenitalia. From 2018 to April 2022, he served as Director of Strategy, Industrial Planning, Innovation&Sustainability in Mercitalia Logistics S.p.A. In April 2022, he was appointed CEO and General Manager of Mercitalia Logistics S.p.A., a position he will hold until May 2023. Since May 2023, he has held the position of CEO and General Manager of Rete Ferroviaria Italiana.
ANAS Giuseppe Pecoraro – President Born in Palma Campania in 1950, Giuseppe Pecoraro graduated in Law from the University of Naples. He began his prefectural career in Rovigo in 1973, and over time, he has held senior positions: Head of the Secretariat of the Department of Public Security (2001-2007) and Deputy Head of the Ps Department, Head of the Department of Fire, Public Rescue and Civil Defense (2007-2008), Prefect of Rome from 2008 to 2015. From 2016 to 2019 he was Attorney General of the FIGC. From January to December 2023 National Coordinator for the Fight Against Antisemitism, appointed by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.
Claudio Andrea Gemme – Chief Executive Officer Born in Genoa, a graduate in Economic and Political Sciences with an international political focus, Claudio Andrea Gemme began his career in 1973 in Finmeccanica holding positions of increasing responsibility until he became General Manager of Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali. He led the successful privatization and reorganization of the company, later assuming the role of Chairman and CEO. He has held top positions in several major companies, including CEO of Fincantieri Sistemi Integrati and Chairman and CEO of Fincantieri Infrastructure. He was a Board Member of Sogei from 2008 to 2009 and of Anas from 2009 to 2011, later becoming Chairman of Anas from 2018 to 2021, also serving as Commissioner for the Cortina 2021 Plan. He has been President of ANIE, CEO of Isotta Fraschini, a member of the Board of Directors and Council of Confindustria, the General Council of Confindustria, and various Technical Groups, including Chairman of Industria Ambiente. ITALFERR Dario Lo Bosco – Managing Director Dario Lo Bosco is Full Professor and Dean of the Department of Civil, Energy, Environmental and Materials Engineering “DICEAM” in the University of Reggio Calabria, as well as Head of the scientific-disciplinary area ‘Roads, Railways, Airports’ and Director of the Research Laboratories of “V.I.A. of Territorial Infrastructures” and “Engineering of Railway Infrastructures”. Chairman of the Academy & Technical Methodologies of the Infrastructure Cluster and Dean of the PhD in Civil, Environmental and Safety Engineering, he has produced countless scientific publications. He has served as Chairman of RFI – Rete Ferroviaria Italiana with responsibility for institutional affairs, internal control system, technical and scientific direction in innovation, research and development, digital engineering of construction sites, international cooperation, Ponte sullo Stretto bridge, related works and navigation optimization.
BUSITALIA Serafino Lo Piano – Chief Executive Officer Serafino Lo Piano has been CEO of Metro 5 S.p.A., the concessionaire company for the design, construction and management of the new Line 5 of the Milan Metro, since 2019. Coming from the world of air transport, he joined Trenitalia in 2002. Since 2018, he has held the position of Head of Sales with responsibility for the domestic and international network of high-speed and long-distance trains. He has also held important roles in the association and institutional sector, including Vice President of the Tourism section of Unindustria Lazio and Board Member and Special Advisor of Federturismo, contributing to the development of strategies for tourism and transportation.
URBAN SYSTEMS Maria Rosa Sessa Born in Salerno in 1973, Maria Rosa Sessa holds a degree in business administration. Certified public accountant and auditor. Publicist journalist. Former lecturer in Political Economy at the University of Salerno. Former member of the Chamber of Deputies. Collaborates with the President of the Bicameral Commission on Regional Affairs. Scientific member of the Edela association alongside women victims of violence as well as in support of orphans of feminicide. Regional head of social policies and disability department. Former employee AnciForm (ANCI training school). Formez official, first in Administration Finanaza and Control then in Communication and Institutional Relations. Today president FS Sistemi Urbani.
Matteo Colamussi Born in Bari in 1972, Matteo Colamussi has a degree in Business Administration and more than a decade of experience in corporate management in the transportation sector, with a focus on sustainable mobility, innovation and interconnection. Since 2012, he has been General Manager of Ferrovie Appulo Lucane, a company owned by MIT, where he led investments of more than 600 million euros, completely renewing the vehicle fleet and infrastructure. Since 2022 he has been President of the Priamo Fund, managing assets in excess of 2.3 billion euros. He is also Chairman of ASSTRA’s Economic Commission and a member of the ASSTRA National Executive Board, with established expertise in financial planning and pension fund management.
FS INTERNATIONAL Luigi Corradi – Sole Director Graduated in mechanical engineering from the University of Genoa with an MBA from Bocconi University, he began working at the Navy Arsenal in La Spezia and soon after at Ansaldo Energia in Genoa, his hometown. He then worked at Bombardier (then Abb Daimler Benz Transportation), of which he became general manager in 2003 and, ten years later, president and CEO. Appointment held until August 2019. Since 2020 he has been CEO and general manager of Trenitalia.
-Photo Ipa/Agency-