BARI (ITALPRESS) – The 74-year-old woman who had been trapped in the rubble as a result of a building collapse late yesterday afternoon on Via De Amicis in Bari’s Carrassi neighborhood has been extracted alive. The elderly woman had been stuck in the stairwell and firefighters managed to pull her to safety.
“Last night a building collapsed in the heart of the city, leaving an entire community dismayed. I have been here since 7:05 p.m. last night, together with councilors, municipal technicians, and town hall chairwomen to follow the rescue efforts and offer the necessary support. For 24 hours, I have hoped that the firefighters, who have uninterruptedly removed, stone by stone, the pieces of this catastrophe, could return Rosalia to us. Well, Rosalia was extracted alive from the rubble a few minutes ago, thanks to the extraordinary work of these heroes, I don’t know what else to call them, whom I feel I must thank from the bottom of my heart on behalf of the whole city.” Mayor Vito Leccese comments on the rescue from the rubble of Rosalia De Giosa with these words. “There will be time to ascertain responsibility for what happened. Now is the time to breathe a sigh of relief, embrace this family and together hope for the best,” he adds.
-Photo Municipality of Bari press office.