From local to global, communication campaign for climate action kicks off

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “We’re not asking you to save the Planet, but your world is.” With this “claim,” the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security is launching a multichannel communication campaign targeting citizens of all ages with a direct call to action for the environment: taking care of the everyday space in which you live, to make a difference, starting from the local and reaching out to the global.

Small clods that together make up a large territory, in which each person builds his or her life under the banner of environmental and energy sustainability: this is the ideal but concrete place conceived by the creatives of the Superhumans agency, which won the consultation called by Unioncamere on behalf of MASE, as part of the measure provided by the PNRR for the promotion of culture and awareness of the issues and challenges of energy transition. Starting March 9, the new campaign will be scheduled on TV networks, radio, newspapers, digital channels and social media.

“As MASE and as a government,” explains Minister Gilberto Pichetto, “we are committed to building a real dialogue with the public to find shared solutions that trigger profound changes. “The social function of the Department of the Environment,” adds Pichetto, “is now more fundamental than ever: we must respond to the urgency we are experiencing with clear communication capable of generating a consensus so wide that it becomes culture, involving citizens in a virtuous circle of emulation of good practices. With this creative project,” he concludes, “we add another step in the right direction.

-Photo Ipa/Agency-