MILAN (ITALPRESS) – The sports judge of the Lega di Serie B, Ines Pisano, has imposed 10 days of disqualification on Cremonese player Franco Vasquez. The judge read the report of the collaborators as well as the additional report requested from the Federal Prosecutor’s Office “from which it emerges that the footballer Franco Damian Vazquez (Cremonese), at the end of the match, addressed to the footballer Emile Mehdi Dorval (Bari) an insult expressive of racial discrimination; having regard to art 28 paragraph 1 and 2 CGS deliberates to sanction the footballer Vazquez with the disqualification for ten effective match days.”
Pending possible appeals and new judgments, Cremonese loses “El Mudo” Vazquez in the decisive moment of the season. The Argentine trequartista, in fact, was disqualified for ten days after what happened at the end of Bari-Cremonese last February 15 (1-1 at the San Nicola). At the end of the match, the hosts’ coach, Moreno Longo, denounced the alleged racist incident with his team’s French-Algerian footballer, Dorval, who was allegedly subjected to racist insults by the Argentine. “I defend Dorval to the hilt, I feel enormously sorry for him. And I am forced to mention Vazquez’s name. One cannot be silent any longer, in front of such a serious offensive phrase. ‘N…o di mer…’ you don’t tell anyone. By dint of sweeping the dust under the rug, nothing is ever resolved.” Longo’s words at the end of the game.
The sports judge, in the following Tuesday’s orders, had asked the prosecutor’s office “after acquiring additional testimony, for a detailed additional report regarding the events that occurred at the end of the match.” Today came the sting for Vazquez.
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