Gravina to Fifa “Football Video Support in C and Women’s A.”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Italy confirms itself at the forefront of innovation in the world of soccer.” This is how president Gabriele Gravina comments on the Figc’s request forwarded to Fifa and Ifab to be included in the experimentation of Football Video Support in the major national leagues currently lacking Var.

In the letter sent yesterday, the FIGC asked to be allowed to use it in the Serie C league (regular season, because in the play offs and play outs the use of VAR is already provided for) and in the professional Women’s Serie A, pending consideration of its implementation in Serie D as well.

The FVS is a tool introduced by Fifa to enable the match director (no other referees are contemplated as is the case with Var), even at the request of the two teams, to review a given game situation with the help of replay when there is television coverage (one to four cameras) and in certain specific cases.

The instrument involves the referee, assisted by a video operator, using a monitor on the sidelines. The referee’s initial decision does not change unless the footage shows that a ‘clear and obvious error’ has been made or there is a ‘serious unseen incident’.

“The desire to make soccer more and more modern and attractive to a greater number of people in addition to the success of the tests carried out in futsal thanks to the willingness of the AIA and the Football 5-a-side Division,” Gravina continued, “have convinced us to expand the scope of application of a technological tool that is of great help to referees in competitions where the economic investment of VAR is not sustainable.

The FVS may be requested at the discretion of the referee and also by the teams, each no more than twice per game (the request for review is not counted if it involves changing the original referee decision), to verify, similar to the Var protocol, episodes related to the scoring or non-scoring of a goal, the awarding or non-assigning of a penalty kick, a direct ejection, or any mistaken identity.

– Photo Ipa Agency –