VENICE (ITALPRESS) – “For too many years, thousands of young people have seen their dreams of becoming doctors, veterinarians or dentists shattered against an entrance test that often did not reward talent, vocation and determination. We are finally one step closer to changing this unfair system, which has repeatedly demonstrated its limitations. I thank the government for pursuing this battle and I hope that Parliament will finally approve this reform, giving a real opportunity to those who want to dedicate their lives to caring for others.” This is how the President of the Veneto Region, Luca Zaia, comments on the measure on the revision of access to degree programs in Medicine and Surgery, Dentistry, and Veterinary Medicine, which will be voted definitively in the coming days.
“This reform is a common-sense revolution: no more crossword tests that decide a young person’s fate in a few hours. With the new system, everyone will be able to enter the first semester and prove in the field that they have the skills to continue. It is a step change that meets the needs of our healthcare and will give a real chance to many boys and girls ready to get involved. Moreover, I am certain that the outcomes of the reform, after a period of implementation, will show in the facts that the misgivings expressed by some parties were not justified.” “We need more doctors and health professionals,” Zaia concludes, “and we need them to be selected in the right way, based on merit and commitment, not on a lottery.
-Photo Ipa/Agency-