ROME (ITALPRESS) – The assembly of Confcommercio-Imprese per l’Italia has confirmed by acclamation Carlo Sangalli as head of the confederation for the next five years. A renewal that enshrines the continuity of Confcommercio’s commitment to supporting service sector market enterprises at a time of great uncertainty and profound economic, technological and social transformations. Transformations that also require an acceleration of organizational changes in the confederal system. In his address to the assembly, Sangalli outlined the priority areas of intervention of the new council, which, in keeping with the principles of accountability, participation and innovation, has among its objectives the enhancement of the territorial and category network.
But also the development of concrete tools to increasingly support the business system and, more generally, the strengthening of union action with respect to crucial issues for the country’s future: from major structural reforms to digital transformation with generative artificial intelligence, from environmental, economic and social sustainability to strategies to make cities more livable and competitive. In addition, the enhancement of the contribution of tertiary market enterprises to a new and more advanced phase of the European project will be crucial.
– IPA Agency photo –