Friuli Venezia Giulia, Fedriga “With Trieste University launched ambitious projects”

TRIESTE (ITALPRESS) – “I would like to thank the University of Trieste for the collaborative relationship and the work carried out together with the region in recent years. We have initiated an ambitious design, from the Hydrogen Valley to quantum communication laboratories, innovation and training projects. All this contributes significantly to increasing the attractiveness of the area even for those who come from outside the region to pursue their studies.” This is the reflection that Friuli Venezia Giulia Governor Massimiliano Fedriga shared while speaking this morning at the inauguration of the 2024/25 academic year at the University of Trieste.

Also attending the ceremony were regional councillors Alessia Rosolen (Labor, Education, Training, University, Research and Family), to whom the rector extended thanks for her fruitful work during her tenure, and Fabio Scoccimarro (Environmental Defense, Energy and Sustainable Development).

The highest member of the regional government addressed special thanks to Units Rector Roberto Di Lenarda, who is nearing the end of his term. “He has been able to give luster and prestige to this University, which is increasingly a point of reference for research, education and innovation,” said Fedriga. “He will leave an important trace on which to continue working in the future.

“As a region, we want to continue to guarantee support for the university system with all possible measures,” the governor added, recalling how Friuli Venezia Giulia is among the very few regions to guarantee contributions for the right to study to 100 percent of those eligible. “Our goal is to continue in this direction, implementing resources to increasingly improve the quality of the educational system. According to Fedriga, the delicate moment in the geopolitical context also implies “using research to foster dialogue within diplomatic relations. This means promoting respect for different ideas and the defense of one’s own in a climate of mutual understanding.”

-Photos Friuli Venezia Giulia Region.