Federal League Council “Europe does not need nuclear rearmament and debt”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The federal council of the League chaired by Matteo Salvini has concluded.

“In the presence, among others, of ministers Giancarlo Giorgetti and Roberto Calderoli, the determination of the League and the entire government to defend the national interest was confirmed,” reads a Carroccio note. The League reiterated the need to implement fiscal peace, and the regulations for the upcoming federal congress on April 5 and 6 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence were approved. There will be more than 700 delegates and guests from abroad are expected as well as representatives of the business and labor worlds.”

“On the international front, the entire federal council confirmed the League’s position: call for prudence, no blank proxies on unspecified European armies, willingness to invest in national security by rewarding Italian companies, priority to peace by supporting the efforts urged by the United States. For the League’s federal council, Europe does not need more debt, nuclear rearmament or further surrender of sovereignty but rather support for families, healthcare and jobs.”

-Photo Ipa/Agency-