Embracing Italy through the words of Carla Markell

Since her husband, former Delaware Governor Jack Markell, was appointed U.S. Ambassador to Italy and San Marino in August 2023 by President Biden, Carla Markell has been deepening her connection with the “Bel Paese” day by day. As anyone who spends 5 minutes with her in a room could easily notice, she is a very determined and energetic woman who could never spend her time doing nothing. In fact, Ms. Markell is already working on her business of promoting women’s empowerment and the arts. She told us more about her efforts, describing her perceptions of Italy and the American Dream, but also sharing memories of her journey alongside such an important public figure as Jack Markell.

Ms. Markell, let’s start with your relationship with Italy and Italians. Is there anything that particularly strikes you now that you live in Rome?

I have noticed that the Italian people as a whole are very sensory and attentive. They notice everything, they appreciate food, wine, the arts. When I first came in 2008 with my teenage children, I saw the Colosseum and many wonderful buildings to the point that it didn’t occur to me to go to a museum-I was surrounded by ancient ruins everywhere I turned. Now that I live here, I take many walks and have gotten to know the city well. I am learning more and more about Renaissance art, Baroque art, the stories of aristocratic families like the Borghese and Colonna. I have met authors who have written about the Renaissance era, and I continue to process how the various layers of Rome fit together: history, art, culture, and language. I feel I am in a world of opportunity where I have just begun to scratch the surface. It is simply extraordinary.

How has your idea of Italy changed over time, from before your first visit to the days you are spending in the “Old Continent”?

Before, Italy was just a vision, I didn’t know what to expect. I had only seen pictures that looked beautiful. When I came in 2008 with my children, we were here for three weeks with a wonderful itinerary, staying between Rome, Montalcino, Florence, Venice, Cinque Terre, Milan, Lake Como and Chianti. You can imagine how the real-life experiences exceeded all expectations. I began to understand the Italian heart and lifestyle and loved the way they took their time for meals, for kindness, for pleasant conversations. My children, who were 13 and 15 at the time, both said to me, “What can we do to bring this way of life to our home?” meaning the ability to slow things down. Americans tend to live at a rather fast pace. The more relaxed lifestyle and Italian pace are anchors. The people are warm and wonderful. The traditions related to food, wine and holidays are rich. We have a fantastic team here at the ambassador’s residence, Villa Taverna. Recognizing and respecting that importance, we wanted the employees to be with their families on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, so we gave them those days off so they could all be with their families. We Americans obviously love and celebrate family time, but sometimes, with great distances, it’s hard to be together that often. Italy seems accessible-you can be anywhere in the country with a quick flight, a train ride or even a 7-hour car ride.

Da sinistra a destra: Alma Laias (Senior Advisor della Camera di Commercio americana in Italia e rappresentante del NIAF), Carla Markell e Davide Ippolito (founder de IlNewyorkese)

In Italy, the American Dream is alive. What is your personal perception of that Dream and of the mutual reputation between the United States and Italy?

I love my country. We are young compared to Italy! Currently, our culture is a bit divided but basically I think we all want the same things: a great education for our children, healthy family lives, rich experiences, safe streets and neighborhoods, human rights, an excellent justice system. We still believe in the American Dream. You can work hard and build something positive for your family. As for Italy and the United States, we have between 18 and 20 million Americans who identify with Italian heritage and culture. Some of our friends would like to obtain dual Italian citizenship. 6 million Americans travel to Italy each year. Americans and Italians share an enthusiasm for life, an interest in food, history and culture. We have much in common and get along well together. We are strong allies.

In Italy, you have already shown your commitment to the cause of women’s empowerment by hosting the “Women in Leadership” event. Could you tell us something about that?

Women around the world struggle for equality of income and opportunity. Any event that can highlight these issues is important and also a way to build partnerships and networks. The event at Villa Taverna brought together Italian and American women engaged in partnerships between Italy and the United States. It was an honor for Jack and me to welcome so many bright and talented women from all sectors of Italian life.

So what kind of advocacy work can we expect from you as the ambassador’s bride?

I plan to do advocacy for women with breast cancer. I am a double breast cancer survivor. One of the Ambassador’s previous consorts, Linda Douglas, contacted me after Jack was appointed and told me about a fantastic doctor in Rome, Professor Massetti, who is doing a lot to help women with breast cancer. Dr. Tavano at the embassy is also deeply involved in the cause so it seems like a natural fit. I’ve been a supporter of the arts of all kinds and am starting to visit museums, churches and palaces. I have become very good friends with Francesca Cappelletti of the Borghese Gallery! I am also deeply passionate about mental health and substance abuse issues. I come from a family that has a lot of addiction issues, and fortunately for me, when I was 17, I started attending counseling and family therapy. My mother had severe depression. She was a single mother and basically I was the parent to her from a young age. I look back on my life and realize that all these experiences have made me who I am and given me tools that have helped me in the world. I am taking an online course to learn how to be a “life and leadership coach.” I am learning a lot and look forward to helping others.

Have you already kept any anecdotes or memories from your home in Italy?

We arrived here at the end of August and noticed that there were about 8 stray cats on the property that were struggling with some health problems! I wanted to do something to help them. Maybe it was some kind of divine intervention, because at 6 a.m., my husband and I were on an inaugural tour of the Vatican and I met a woman who was wearing a shirt with a cat on it. I befriended her and she put me in touch with the vet at the zoo next door. He and his wife, a biologist, had worked at the zoo for more than 25 years. They came the following week to assess the situation. Shortly thereafter they provided an extremely caring service with gentle captures and releases and proceeded to worm, vaccinate, spay and neuter each cat. We now have these beautiful healthy cats and Jack and I are buying food. These wonderful cats entertain us and entertain our visitors!

The article Embracing Italy through the words of Carla Markell comes from TheNewyorker.

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