Mattarella “Europe is not a suffocating constraint but a unique opportunity”

ROME (ITALPRESS) – “Criticism aimed at the European project wants it from time to time as a mere consolatory utopia resulting from the sufferings of World War II, or they sometimes define it as a functional expression of a further step of a development model proper to international capitalist globalization. The legacy of the steps that have been taken can be taken, mindful of the contemporary debate present in some European countries, between considering membership in the Union as a constraint, sometimes suffocating, for those who have joined it, or as an opportunity, perhaps the only one, for our continent placed in a world made increasingly of giants.” Thus the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, on the occasion of the Ambrosetti Forum, and then continued, “Does the external or rather internal constraint, as it would be correct to say since it is a choice made by a community, derive from rules or from debt? Is not the latter the constraint that concerns indebted countries? It deserves a reflection that questions in particular the debt situation of the countries of the Union and urges to systematize in fiscal and economic terms what today appears to be entrusted to the European Central Bank alone,” said Mattarella who then added, “Mine is not an invitation to neglect debt, I am fully aware of the inescapable need to bring it down, it is an invitation to proceed on a path that precisely takes the fundamentals of the economy as a criterion. It is, moreover, a call to complete the European financial edifice in a way that is more reassuring to all by putting a prompt hand on it.” Finally, on the return of certain nostalgias that have caused wars and pain to humanity in the past, he concluded, “In public opinion there are resurfacing, they are present, urges that imagine, without reason, a future that is the result of nostalgia for a past that has reserved for us, instead, often tragedies. Each generation is called upon to fight against ghosts that hope for oblivion in order to re-emerge in new guises. It is up to the forces of civil society, in their entirety, to be aware that defending the framework of civilization in which they live, and which they help to define, is a task that not only interests them but concerns them.”

photo: Photogram Agency


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