Government’s commitment to deficit/GDP below 3 percent in 2026

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The Council of Ministers has examined the outline of the medium-term Structural Budget Plan, introduced as part of the reform of European budget rules. Over the time horizon considered by the Plan,” the MEF announced at the end of the BoD meeting, “the growth rate of net spending will average close to 1.5 percent. Moreover, the trajectory is consistent with the trend of the main public finance balances already envisaged by last April’s Stability Program. The Plan has two programmatic purposes: the definition of the path of aggregate net spending, i.e., spending not financed by new revenues or European resources without counting interest expenses on debt and the cyclical effects of particular types of spending; and a plan of reforms and investments to be carried out in a given period. The government,” the Mef stresses, “continues to pursue a prudent and responsible fiscal policy, proposing a realistically more ambitious path of return from the excessive deficit than the one prefigured by the European Commission through the technical trajectory, committing itself to falling below the 3 percent deficit-to-GDP ratio threshold as early as 2026. After 2026, the proposed path will ensure the stability of Italy’s public debt and enable public finance to face future challenges more effectively. The document will be sent to the Houses of Parliament after incorporating statistical revisions made by Istat, which will be released on Sept. 23.
-Photo: Photogram Agency-