Abu Dhabi, Fontana meets with president of UAE Federal Council

ROME (ITALPRESS) – The situation in the Middle East and the prospects for Syria were some of the main topics at the center of today”s meeting in Abu Dhabi between the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Lorenzo Fontana, and the President of the National Federal Council of the United Arab Emirates, Saqr Ghobash. During the talks – which followed the one held in Montecitorio on Oct. 17 this year – the convergence between Italy and the United Arab Emirates emerged in supporting the stabilization of the Middle East area and attention to developments in the situation in Syria, so that the transition from the regime would bring solidity to the country. Mr. Fontana recalled the importance of the UAE’s wider involvement in multilateral fora and highlighted the close and growing collaborative relations in place, in cultural, political and economic respects. To this end, data on interchange between Italy and the UAE grew by 19 percent in the first nine months of 2024 and amounted to 7.2 billion euros, with a positive balance for Italy of about 4.2 billion euros.

– Photo press office House of Representatives –