Ateneo Verona, academic year kicks off with Vecchioni, Montezemolo, Malagò

VERONA (ITALPRESS) – On Friday, Feb. 7, at 10 a.m., the opening ceremony of the university’s 42nd academic year will be held in the Aula Magna of the Zanotto campus at Verona University. Guests will include Roberto Vecchioni, Luca Cordero di Montezemolo and Giovanni Malagò, prominent figures from the worlds of entertainment, business and sports whom the Magnificent Rector Pier Francesco Nocini wanted to involve to inaugurate the 2024/2025 Academic Year. Also present at the inaugural event will be Italian and world sports icons Federica Pellegrini and Sara Simeoni, and entrepreneur Leonardo Maria Del Vecchio.Opening the morning will be the inaugural report by Magnificent Rector Pier Francesco Nocini, who will retrace the stages of the university’s development project in recent years and anticipate the goals that will be brought to fruition by September 2025, when his term as rector ends. After the Gaudeamus igitur and the Hymn of Mameli performed by the University Choir accompanied by the University Orchestra, it will continue with greetings from representatives of the Univr community, Irene Lupi newly elected president of the Student Council and Elisabetta Guidi representing the technical administrative staff. Valeria Mantovan, councillor for Education and Training of the Veneto Region, Mayor Damiano Tommasi and Bishop Domenico Pompili of Verona will then take the floor.It will be singer, writer and teacher Roberto Vecchioni who will give the Lectio magistralis “A great future behind us.” Luca Cordero di Montezemolo will then take the floor with the Lectio magistralis “The courage to dare, the high-speed rail revolution” and the awarding of an honorary degree in “Management and Business Strategy.” Following this, Giovanni Malagò, president of CONI will deliver the lectio magistralis “Sport as a paradigm of sustainable growth under the sign of innovation” and receive an honorary degree in “Management of sports activities, innovative and sustainable.”In addition, a video contribution by Martine Rothblatt, biotechnologist and founder of United Therapeutics, will be screened.The Ceremony will conclude with the awarding of Benemerenze with honorable mention and the presentation of certificates to Professors Emeriti and Honorary.- photos provided by the press offices of the guests -(ITALPRESS).