Atlantic Melons

Atlantic Melons

In a few hours Giorgia Meloni will raise her glasses. Two years ago, on September 25, 2022, she won the general elections at the head of the center-right coalition and at the head of a party, FdI, which she founded ten years earlier with La Russa (now president of the Senate) and Crosetto (now defense minister), initially as a rib of the PDL. About the balance of these two years of government (which was then born in the second half of October 2022) we will have a chance to talk later. Now, on the occasion of the PM’s U.S. trip, we want to put our attention on a specific focus.

Ever since that victory, one of the constant threads of controversy and distrust from the oppositions (I use the plural because that is how it is) was precisely about the president’s standing. Translated brutally, the question accompanied by a few radical chic smiles was: from Garbatella to Palazzo Chigi to the world’s greats, will she make it or not? Instead ‘Io speriamo che me la cavo’ with languages and diplomacy, has surprisingly become a Meloni strong point. She speaks five languages, talks with leaders without translators and intermediaries, is young, authoritative, down-to-earth, won the European elections in her country, is politically stable and stable in alliances, especially the Atlantic ones.

On this trip there is an important speech at the UN on the major issues of geopolitics and current conflicts and a prestigious award, the Atlantic Council, given to her by the richest – and most talked about – man in the world, Elon Musk. With whom, beyond the awards, she had a meeting, once called bilateral, on decisive issues such as innovation and communication technologies. Then support for Ukraine, sure, but no party with Biden and Zelensky. Weapons yes, but cum grano salis.

There is an Italian public opinion to be respected and also the different political sensitivities in the majority and in politics as a whole. Overall, though, high marks. Tu vo fa l’americana, Carosone would say, and she has succeeded to perfection. So much for the good souls!

The article Atlantic Meloni comes from TheNewyorker.

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