ROME (ITALPRESS) – “It is definitely appreciable the commitment of Minister Matteo Salvini to make possible a regulation that, as urged by Sib President Antonio Capacchione, organically reorders the matter, given that the current legislation does not correspond to the needs of beach business and the national economy.” This was said by the president of the Calabria Regional Council Filippo Mancuso, speaking at the “Stati generali del turismo balneare” organized in Rome at the Confcommercio headquarters. After addressing the greetings of Regional President Roberto Occhiuto, Mancuso said, “It is time for clarity, after the enormous confusion that has so far characterized a matter that concerns, in Italy, 30 thousand companies and 100 thousand direct employees that with the allied industries exceeds one million and in Calabria relies on 500 operators involving 3 thousand families.”
“The hope is that the new decree will contemplate compensation appropriate to the current value of the assets and the right of first refusal for those who hold a concession that represents their only economic livelihood. Calabria has 800 kilometers of coastline of which only 200 are valued from a tourism point of view. I have always thought, and in this sense we approved a motion of the Regional Council, that public tenders are fine as well, but on the condition that we should start from the already occupied spaces, which are many. For the areas already occupied, however, it does not seem unreasonable to me to give continuity to those who have invested and created jobs for years if not decades,” Mancuso concludes.
– Calabria Region press office photo –